A mistake? A mistake? Give me a break.

What Wayne Elkins, commander, VFW Post 1285, and “a group of fellow vets” did was not a mistake. The American Heritage Dictionary, Second Edition, defines “mistake” as an error or fault; a misconception or misunderstanding, etc.

What Elkins did, in my humble opinion, was not a mistake. Nor was it a misconception or misunderstanding. It was willful, intentional and deliberate. Deliberate is not defined as a mistake. It is defined as considered or planned in advance with full awareness of everything involved; premeditated; done or said on purpose. “On purpose” is not a mistake.

As stated the Sun Journal editorial, “Don’t expel vet,” Nov. 16, “Elkins and his supporters defied police …” To defy is to “mock, challenge, flout.” What a wonderful example he – and apparently others – made to our young people by this flagrant display of disgraceful behavior.

If Elkins personally thought or felt that the white flags depicted a sign of surrender or was offended by it, why did he not contact Bridges for Peace for clarification? Rather, Elkins and “a group of fellow vets” erroneously took it upon themselves to think and feel for all of us.

Should he be expelled from the VFW? Absolutely.

India Adams, East Wilton

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