The year’s record rainfall has caused Tripp Lake to reach the highest levels in a decade and town officials fear flooding may become an issue.

Town Manager Richard Chick said the levels have been high for the past month and a half. The town beach is under water, leaving many surrounding cottages with water in the basements.

New beaver dams are adding to the problem. Beaver trapping season opens Dec. 15, according to Chick, but the town could pay for a trapper to come early.

Selectman Reginald “Bud” Jordan said that, based on past experience, he didn’t believe the Maine Warden Service would step in to help control the beavers.

– Barbara Lance Lauze
Poland: Group wants bingo

There’s a new game in town, or there will be if the Town Hall can be brought up to fire-code standards. Bingo is the name of the game, and would be run by the Poland Regional High School Booster Club.

For now, bingo could be held using a fire watch system, whereby a volunteer would be designated to monitor the building during bingo hours.

To get the Town Hall up to code, the entire building would need to be equipped with smoke detectors – they’re only on the first floor now – as well as pull stations, strobe lights and alarms. It also needs better handicapped accessibility.

Selectmen will hear a progress report at their next meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 20.

– Barbara Lance Lauze

Selectmen have authorized Fire Chief Bill St. Michel to purchase a second thermal imaging camera for the Fire Department. A portion of the $9,000 cost will be paid through a grant from the Cole Foundation and the local share will come from the grant-matching account. The cameras allow firefighters to see in a smoky environment. The first camera is still in use, St. Michel said, adding that the new camera would also provide information on the temperature of the images that it records.

– Connie Footman

Selectmen have agreed to a request by Bruce Marstaller on behalf of the Boy Scouts to place bottle collection containers at the Fire Station and Town Office during the holiday season.

The Scouts will use the proceeds from the donations to help provide heating oil to needy families.

– Connie Footman

The town has four municipal openings for residents to fill come the upcoming March elections.

Those interested can find forms for two selectmen seats and two school board seats at the town office.

The forms will be available from Dec. 9 to Jan. 22.

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