This letter is in response to a couple of letters in the Sun Journal about Christmas trees being a pagan symbol.

Quotations were taken from Exodus 20:4-5 and Jeremiah 10:3-4.

First of all, we have to note that trees were cut down to be carved as idols, not to be displayed in their natural form.

Besides, I know of no Christian today who kneels down before a Christmas tree and idolizes it as a god.

The Christmas tree, same as everything else on Earth, was created by God and intended for our pleasure, not to be idolized.

We should remember that all of these laws were given to the Israelites.

If we are to live by the law as given to Moses, then we have to live under every part of the law. We are no longer under the law. We are now under grace. The law was a teacher. No one can be saved by the law.

Gerald C. Pare, Poland

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