Color affects not just our minds, but our bodies as well. Debbie Zimmer, a color and decorating expert with the Rohm and Haas Paint Quality Institute, offers these pointers to help you choose the right paint for your room:

n Red increases energy in most people and instills feelings of intimacy and passion. It also increases the appetite, so it can be a good choice for a dining room.

n Orange warms a room as red does, but in a friendlier way. Paints in various shades and tints of orange work well in living rooms and family rooms.

n Yellow is also welcoming, but it’s more attention-getting than red or orange. It’s a good choice for poorly lighted foyers or hallways.

n Blue makes people feel calm and is, therefore ideal, for bedrooms. It also suppresses the appetite, so unless you’re on a diet, don’t choose it for a dining room.

n Green is also relaxing but is more versatile than blue. Light greens are good for bedrooms and living rooms; midtones, for kitchens and dining rooms.

n Colors in the rose family can work in dining rooms, bedrooms and libraries.

n Most adults dislike purple, but children often respond well to violet. It’s good in kids’ bedrooms, play areas.

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