My thanks go to Rep. Scott Lansley for his support of allowing public chartered school options in Maine (Feb. 5). His vote was one of the five “ought to pass” votes for the bill in the Education Committee. The bill, with its closely divided report, will now go the Senate and House for a vote in the next few weeks. I expect the vote to be close in both houses. Legislators, local school boards and school departments should support this innovation.

I’d like to make a correction to one point in the article. Under the amendments to the bill, L.D. 1640, adopted by the Education Committee, all 20 of the chartered schools permitted under the pilot program would be required to seek to expand learning opportunities for children at risk in Maine. The designated branches of the University of Maine may charter up to five of those 20 schools.

More information is available by searching the Web.

Judith Jones, chairman

Maine Association for Public Charter Schools


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