According to an article in the Sun Journal on Feb. 26, “One-fifth of all households take home 50 percent of all the money in this country.” That leaves a lot of people to share the other 50 percent with the estimated 13 million illegal aliens.

Oil, pharmaceutical, insurance and other companies make exorbitant profits. And their executives are given exorbitant benefits and pay – the $43 million merit bonus given the CEO of Anthem in 2004, for example.

We all know how much profit the big oil companies are piling up, at our expense. Add to that the high cost of drugs and health insurance that 42.5 million people cannot afford. Jobs are outsourced to China, Mexico, Korea, etc., and illegal aliens are allowed to come here to work for low pay.

When have you bought anything that has a “Made in the USA” label?

Health benefits and insurance for workers are being cut back or just not offered. The minimum wage has been frozen at $5.15 an hour for years. I really don’t know how many families survive.

The Republicans keep harping about taxes, while they continue to take more and more of our jobs and money. They are in control of all three branches of government. The economy is looking good for them.

This doesn’t sound like a democracy.

It is time we took our jobs, our country and some of our money back.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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