MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. (AP) – A small stretch of this Wisconsin village might want to change its name to “Mount Unpleasant” now that the diaper dumper has struck again.

Residents along Braun Road report 12 to 15 used adult diapers have shown up in a grassy ditch, apparently dumped in the middle of the night. Similar activity had been reported to The Journal Times of Racine in January before it stopped.

Police haven’t received any reports about the latest incidents, Lt. Wally Sparks said.

The road is near Interstate 94, providing quick access and escape for whoever dumps the diapers, he said. He said there was little police could do, unless a witness can provide a vehicle description or license plate number.

$42K recovered from Tokyo trash

TOKYO (AP) – Japanese police returned $42,000 to a man whose wife accidentally threw it out with the trash, a news report said.

The man lost the money in early March when his wife threw out the envelope in which he had hidden the cash, Kyodo News agency said.

The man had been hiding the envelope – which he had wrapped in a trash bag – in a garbage can, it said.

“I had been moving the cash around and hiding it in various places so it couldn’t be stolen by robbers,” Kyodo quoted the unidentified 35-year-old man in Saitama prefecture (state) as saying.

His wife, unaware that the money was in the garbage can, threw it out along with the rest of the trash, the report said.

Typo leads retirees to call sex lines

LITTLE ROCK (AP) – The Arkansas Teacher Retirement System doesn’t encourage its members to call phone sex lines. But that changed this week, thanks to a typo.

The retirement system sent out letters to retirees and active teachers explaining how to name beneficiaries in the event of their death, said David Malone, the association’s executive director.

Some of the pages in the letter listed the correct toll-free number associated with the program, he said. But one page listed a toll-free number that brought callers to a recording of a seductive woman’s voice, promoting a 69-cents per minute foot fetish sex line. “We’ve had a few calls about it,” Malone said. “Most everybody’s been pretty good natured.”

Booming bass KOs car windows

NEW YORK (AP) – That’s one booming stereo.

The police bomb squad, responding Friday to a call of a suspicious device inside a parked minivan in midtown Manhattan, blew out the vehicle’s windows – only to find out the item inside was simply stereo equipment, police said.

The incident occurred when police received a 911 call from a passer-by who spotted the device inside a red minivan parked outside 4 E. 67th St., said police spokesman Dennis Laffin. It was a canister about the size of two shoe boxes, with a digital display of changing numbers and some loose wires visible.

“It looked suspicious,” Laffin said.

“I think anyone would have thought something was strange.”

The police bomb squad responded after the 8:22 a.m. call, blowing out three side windows and the back window with a water propelled charge, Laffin said at the scene. A police robot was sent inside the van to take pictures of the device; the photos led police to determine the package was nothing more than stereo equipment.

The van’s owner, a Bronx resident, has yet to hear the bad news about his windows.

AP-ES-04-15-06 0415EDT

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