NORWAY – The Stone-Smart American Legion Post and Auxiliary observed Boys and Girls State Night at their October meeting. A chicken pie supper was served by Marjy Sessions, Marie Pingree, Carol Labossiere and Mary Tolman, after which the delegates related their experiences last June.

Austri Silver and Amanda Prestia each said they learned a great deal about how governments operate on the town, county and state level. Girls State was an interesting and educational experience, they said. They agreed that they made new friends during the week.

Elliott Munn, Post 82 delegate to Boys State, thanked members for sending him. “I didn’t really know just what Boys State was going to be. I thought it was going to be lectures and classes on government,” Munn said.

He said, “Instead you learn about government and how it works by actually going through the motions of government.

We had a chance to run for office, introduce bills to the legislature, settle town problems and many other things pertaining to the operations of government.”

Each year the Legion Committee picks two boys to represent the state at Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. Munn was chosen. He said, “Boys State and Boys Nation are experiences I will never forget.”

The post and auxiliary each met after the program. Commander Ernest Clifford presided over the post meeting. Service Officer Bob Sessions said the post had recently received information on this year’s oratorical contest.

The post has charge of the November meeting supper when members celebrate the auxiliary’s birthday. Second Vice Commander Ralph Millett will be in charge of the supper, assisted by Arnold Pendexter, Randy Henley, Ernest Clifford and Larry Labossiere.

Since many families have requested that flags remain on the veterans’ graves during the winter, it was decided to do as they wished. Ralph Millett, Arnie Pendexter and John Morgan volunteered to be on the committee to work with the auxiliary committee to plan this year’s Christmas party.

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