Party affiliation: Democrat

Date of birth:

Hometown: Auburn

Occupation: Legislator, former small business manager, mom

Education: Auburn public schools, completing history degree at USM

Community organizations: Maine Child Care Advisory Council

Personal information (hobbies, etc.): Knitting, hiking, swimming, reading

Family status: One child

Years in the Legislature: Six

Clean Election candidate?: Yes

Committee assignments: House Chair Judiciary, National Conference of State Legislatures, Law and Criminal Justice committee, Executive Committee for the NCSL high level radioactive waste working group

1. As a committee chair, I tried to achieve consensus in our work. Of the 58 bills before Judiciary this year, we reached unanimous agreement on all but three. I want to continue in this effort to change the partisan atmosphere that makes us all so cynical about government.

2. My top priority is moving Maine’s economy forward. We are attracting new business here, we created the community college system to prepare our people for the jobs of tomorrow and eliminated the tax on business equipment to attract investment. We can do more for future prosperity.

3. We have serious tax problems in Maine, our property and income taxes are too high. Colorado’s experience has shown us TABOR will damage local school systems, jeopardize public safety, and move our economy backward; all without fixing what is wrong in Maine with our over-reliance on property tax.

4. The biggest social issue facing voters this year is insecurity about the future for our children and our seniors. I agree with the majority of Maine people that discrimination is wrong. As a single parent I know I am a better mother because I chose to be one.

5. I am proud that, in the absence of federal action to solve our national health care crisis, in Maine we’ve moved toward a solution. For the 16,000 people Dirigo covers, it is working. With time we’ll make it more efficient, cost effective and accessible to more Maine families and small businesses.

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