Party affiliation: Republican

Date of birth: October 23, 1963

Hometown: Topsham

Occupation: Owner, Kerrizma Designs, substitute teacher, Mt. Ararat Middle/High School track coach

Education: Bachelor’s, University of Maine at Orono

Community organizations: Boosters Club, Mt. Ararat High School Boosters Club, track & field official, member of First Parish Church in Brunswick, instructor at Northern Chi Martial Arts Center

Personal information (hobbies, etc.): Black belt in martial arts, photography, scrapbooking, fitness

Family status: Married; three children

Years in the Legislature: None

Clean Election candidate?: Yes

1. Maine needs change. The legislative process requires an individual who can work on and enact legislation with broad bipartisan support. No single political party has a lock on good, workable solutions to today’s serious problems. I believe we must put people with good ideas first, not politics.

2. Reform is needed in Maine’s tax policy, health care and business regulation, all of which currently contribute to Maine’s inability to create sustainable high-paying jobs this state needs. Ensuring accountability in state spending, such as making sure designated tax dollars and fees are spent for their intended use, is also a priority.

3. If passed, the positive effect of TABOR would force Augusta to set priorities and eliminate wasteful spending. The potential negative impact would be trimming funding for schools and municipalities with decreases in student enrollment or population. I don’t necessarily agree this initiative is the right answer, and feel its complexity has caused quite a bit of confusion in voters. I do support spending control, however.

4. I don’t believe these issues play any significant role in this election. I believe discrimination is wrong in any form. When a person considers an abortion, it is my belief that the decision lies with the partners involved, their health care professional, and their faith.

5. Dirigo Health has not taken care of the problem Maine faces due to the high number of people without health insurance. Its ineffectiveness is highlighted by the lack of businesses enrolled in the program. Getting rid of government control over the free market, along with high risk pools, are initiatives the Legislature needs to consider.

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