LISBON – Incumbents won re-election in three contested races Tuesday, while two seats were filled by write-in votes.

Janet Henry defeated challenger Jeffrey Ganong 861-571 for the District 1 council seat, but lost out on her bid for a seat on the School Committee.

Janice Comber and Deborah Danuski won seats on the School Committee, with 1,578 and 1,432 votes respectively, narrowly defeating Henry, who had 1,413.

Water Commissioner Stanley Doughty Jr. defeated Edward Madden, 1,884-1,226.

Roger Cote, who did not seek re-election to the District 1 Budget Advisory Board seat, was elected anyway, with seven write-in votes. Also elected with write-in votes to the District 2 at-large seat was Walter Morse Jr., with seven votes.

Re-elected unopposed were councilors Norma Wells with 1,505 votes and Michael Bowie with 3,034.

Also unopposed were Lori Pomelow, for the District 1 at-large Budget Advisory Board seat, with 2,880 votes, and Tracey Austin, to a one-year seat on the School Committee, with 2,894 votes.

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