The citizens of Lewiston are lucky to have Norm Rousseau vying for the seat of mayor. There is not a candidate out there who has the commitment and love of his community that he does.

Rousseau has a lifetime invested in Lewiston, and he has proven time and again, as a city councilor, that his loyalty remains with the people of Lewiston. He has given his time and efforts to so many areas of need, including the downtown, the elderly and the youth of the community with such enthusiasum. I believe he truly loves every minute of service he performs.

It is evident that there is no hidden agenda on Rousseau’s mind. He is simply looking to strengthen his ability to work with elected officials and city staff in moving Lewiston forward.

He is a fair, hard working, dedicated man and deserves to be elected on Feb. 27.

Michael Morrow, Sabattus

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