Kudos to the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission for voting down their staffers’ treasonous recommendation to turn over Maine’s remote western mountains to commercial energy development.

For those who might be unaware of how big an impact this would have, picture Katahdin’s stunning summit bristling with 400-foot wind towers, gouged with roads and draped with power lines.

If people want to see how ugly the towers are on a less assuming mountain, take a drive to Mars Hill. It’s a real eye-opener. Maine is one of the most naturally beautiful places in the world. I want to keep it that way.

Build those towers within existing human footprints, such as on top of all of Portland’s high rises. In fact, why not make Portland the world’s greenest city? Keep industrialism out of the Maine woods and off its mountain tops, it doesn’t belong there.

Mandate that all cell phone towers be built to wind tower specs and used for both. European countries have been doing that all along.

It just isn’t worth selling off the wild soul of this beautiful state just to power a few Canadian households.

Penny Gray, Carthage

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