First of all, let me start by saying we have no leadership in this country, and that in and of itself is scary.

We have a president who openly will do nothing about our borders. He knows that coming across our borders are known criminals. Now he claims to be saving all kinds of money. But for the last six years, the administration has done nothing but spend money. And it just amazes me that through all this, where are the Republicans? Nobody is standing up! Nobody says anything!

The Democrats can say and do anything, but the Republicans say nothing, and in fact cower down. For example: The firing of eight U.S. attorneys. It is a president’s right to hire and fire whomever he wants, yet the Democrats keep trying to bring the issue of the firing up. Again, no Republicans standing up. How about the Diane Feinstein conflict of interest issue? Nobody says anything.

Now we have the inconsiderate, totally worthless speaker of the House flying off to Syria, a known enemy, and nobody says anything.

I, among millions of other Republicans, spoke last November about our lack of leadership.

Every time the GOP calls me for money, I tell them, “Not untill you give us some leaders.”

But isnt it funny how you never hear Democrats calling their own on the carpet. And believe me, there is as much, if not more, for them to do so.

Paul Lowell, Rumford

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