About pulling the military back home from Iraq – why not? The military has done its job, and done it well.

What’s going on now is Washington politics to benefit someone’s pocketbook. Military leaders know what is necessary to finish the job there, and have informed Washington as to what is needed. The politicians in Washington just couldn’t figure out how to kill the enemy without some important political person finding offense.

Lying, cheating and stealing aren’t the jobs of our military – that’s saved for the people who control the military: the politicians and their “friends.”

So why don’t the politicians in Washington let the military do what a good and great military can do – annihilate the enemy and come home. Those folks in Washington are playing politics, costing the lives of good, decent, brave men and women in the military.

The enemy in Iraq is going to continue to kill each other, regardless of where our military is, so bring our soldiers home where they can rest, and be away from the stupidity of people wanting to kill each other to praise their God.

The politicians will still be able to rake in money from other ventures here in the U.S.

They might even be able to salvage some votes

Now that’s a deal.

Joel Denison, Strong

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