Juan Pablo Montoya has been fined and placed on NASCAR probation for flipping a cameraman the bird. Didn’t take him long to blend with the American sports culture, did it?

Drafter beware

Pro Football Weekly reports that NFL prospects Calvin Johnson, Gaines Adams and Amobi Okoye admitted to trying marijuana. Don’t forget, the last guy with a need for weed ended up posing in a wedding dress with Mike Ditka.

Yankees in last place

Trying to think of a sweeter headline. “Columnist Wins Powerball,” possibly. “ESPN Replaces Mel Kiper With Hazel Mae,” perhaps. Would love to have five months to think about it.

Prior condition

Chicago Cubs pitcher Mark Prior, former phenom and eight-time visitor to the disabled list, underwent surgery Tuesday. Is it just me, or was the human body designed for only fat guys and left-handers to pitch?

It’s a start

Wimbledon men’s and women’s champions will earn an equal $1.4 million this year. If you think the men’s championship will score an equal TV audience to the women’s final, you’re on drugs.

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