Robert Skoglund was fired by MPBN for refusing to pledge to refrain from expressing his opinion on any weighty subjects on his entertainment program “The Humble Farmer.”

Maybe other entertainment programming on Maine Public Radio should also be eliminated.

Garrison Keillor freely expresses his opinion on his entertainment show, and it’s liberal opinion, too. We all know how bad that can be. Liberals favor such evils as universal free quality public education, women’s rights, the right of workers to organize unimpeded, racial equality, universal single payer health care, freedom to marry, and international diplomatic conflict resolution rather than chosen illegal unprovoked war and occupation. Oh, and I almost forgot, support for public broadcasting. “A Prairie Home Companion” has got to go.

Also Michael Feldman and his associates express their opinions freely. Scratch “Whad’Ya Know.”

“The Capitol Steps” is nearly all opinion entertainment. Drop ’em.

I have no idea how long the list is of nationally and internationally sourced entertainment programs on public broadcasting which ought to be obliterated.

On the other hand, maybe it is OK for entertainers from away to speak their minds, and it’s only those who are Mainers who need to be lobotomized, compliant zombies.

Kevin A. Simpson, Auburn

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