The Sun Journal article on June 15, related to the declining bird population, was interesting. Although it pointed out some causative factors, such as the West Nile Virus and disappearing open habitats, it failed to mention one of the most common causes – the use of pesticides and chemicals.

Pesticides contribute to the decline in the offspring of our birds with a diminished survival of a variety of bird eggs, making them fragile and vulnerable to an early demise. When I see products such as Miracle Grow advertised as harmless substances, guaranteed to make our gardens grow, I am concerned that the general public is not made aware that this product is a harmful chemical to our bird and animal population, as well to humans.

Lawns and golf courses treated with chemicals to make them green and lush have a price with regard to their potential risk to our health. The research on long-term effects of chemical use on humans is well-documented, with increased rates of all types of cancer. Why else are signs often posted on treated lawns, warning adults of the need to protect animals and children especially whose immune system is not fully developed? That is due to the harmful effects of the use of those chemicals.

As an organic gardener for more than 30 years, I know from firsthand experience that it is not necessary to use harmful chemicals.

We all need to make informed choices before using any product.

Beverly McCann, Auburn

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