District: Parts of Poland and Standish, Raymond and Frye Island

Legislative service: Second term

Committee: Appropriations

Bill record: 13 bills, two signed, two carried over, nine dead

Voting record

Budget: For

Tax reform: Against

Bear trapping ban: Against

Washington County slots at a tribal horse track: For

Stiffer seat belt law: Against

Increase term limits from 4 two-year terms to 6: For

As an owner of a former mill looking to redevelop, John Robinson says he has an interest in protecting small business.

This session he submitted a bill to bar financial institutions from interfering with clients’ choice of accounting, tax or audit services provider, which passed. He also submitted a bill to create a task force to review and eliminate all outdated laws affecting business owners. Legislators on the Business, Research and Economic Development Committee will visit with business owners around the state this summer to discuss regulations they find too restraining.

Another bill of his to create new safety regulations for freshwater ferry vessels was carried over for more research.

Robinson sits on the Appropriations Committee, which was charged with the task of negotiating the budget and a bond package.

“I felt my presence in Appropriations is the key to the success of no new taxes,” Robinson said.

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