On July 20, Carolee Taylor of Lewiston wrote: “Flags should not be removed from the graves of veterans.” Veterans could not agree more. The citizens and veterans of my town, Turner, place flags on all veteran graves and proudly leave them up for the entire year.

This year, for the first time, the American Legion was successful in passing a bill to provide American flags to Maine veterans’ cemeteries.

The flags given to the Turner veterans had to be removed from Saint Peter’s Cemetery, as its policy allows us to place flags two weeks before and two weeks after Memorial Day.

The memorial tribute placed in Turner by Vietnam veterans was for the purpose of continuing to honor the memory of those who haved served, or are now serving, and those who have paid the ultimate price.

I would like to invite Ms. Taylor, as the daughter of a veteran and eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary, to join with us in the fight in preserving the memory of those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

We need members with the same strong convictions to join our ranks in fighting for veterans benefits.

Paul Bernard, Turner

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