Maine Sen. Susan Collins has rejected a $2,500 campaign contribution from embattled Idaho Sen. Larry Craig.

Craig is the conservative Republican who proclaimed “I am not gay” after word of his arrest in a men’s room sex sting broke earlier this week. He had given Collins the money from his Senate leadership political action committee.

Collins is up for re-election. It’s typical for Senate leadership members to make contributions to other senators of their party.

Jen Burita, Collins’ spokeswoman, said Thursday that Collins is donating the $2,500 from Craig’s PAC to a charity, although she wasn’t certain which charity would get the money.

Unlike Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., who also turned over a $2,500 contribution from Craig to a charity, Collins stopped short of calling for Craig to resign.

“She hasn’t said” what her position is regarding Craig’s future, Burita noted.

Coleman and Sen. John McCain of Arizona – a Republican presidential candidate – both said this week that Craig should step down after he admitted to conduct unbecoming of a senator.

Another Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, called Craig’s conduct “disappointing and disgraceful,” reports stated Thursday. Romney didn’t call for Craig’s resignation, however. Craig quit as an Idaho Romney campaign manager after his arrest headlines this week.

Olympia Snowe, Maine’s other Republican senator, has “had no comment” on the Craig matter, said her spokesman, David Snepp.

Craig has denied soliciting an undercover police officer for sex in the men’s room of the Minneapolis airport, but pleaded guilty to a related charge, only to later say that admission of guilt was a mistake.

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