A young couple came in for help, because they were experiencing nightmares, loss of energy and a constant feeling of fear in their home. They had a 3-year-old daughter who seemed terrified to be left alone.

The mother who was a practitioner of Wicca herself and a very positive woman, was experiencing chronic mood swings, and “nothing was going right,” as she put it. “It’s my home, and I’m afraid to be there. I feel as if something horrible is watching me, and it’s always so cold, but not a cold that I can get away from.”

I’d been acquainted with her before, and she always seemed cheerful and vital, but now she was pale and looked exhausted. I asked her if anything bad happened on her property, and she said that she didn’t know. I got an impression of a man, and began drawing a picture of the person that I saw in my vision. She saw the picture and reacted violently as if she recognized the picture. I made arrangements to meet her and her husband at their home. He was a musician and had a mini studio in the home, and other than the constant “creepy feeling” and the occasional nightmare, had very nominal experiences.

Upon arriving with my team, I noticed that there was indeed a very thick energy emanation. The air around the house looked dim, and almost liquid. I immediately instructed my prayer warriors to begin reciting prayers of protection for the family, and the team.

I dispatched two of my agents to stay with the family and one to take photographs.

As we entered the home I stopped because my attention was drawn upwards. I looked up to see what looked like footprints, actual footprints on the ceiling leading into the house. It was as if someone had taken their shoes and walked them on the ceiling. It was then that I felt the cold, my whole team did. Normally what people call a “cold spot” is not a cold spot but just a “nothing spot.” In other words, energy is energy, and needs energy in order to be. So just like we, who have a body, need energy in the form of food to survive, those that are without a body need energy in the form of electromagnetic or kinetic energy in order to be. Therefore the result is what is called by the psychic policemen a “nothing spot,” which feels cold because the energy has been temporarily drained (or eaten) in order to sustain the paranormality in that particular space.

The place was very cold, and I wondered at the state of the house, and asked why there was so much still incomplete in their decoration. The wife said that they just can’t get it done. Every time they try to complete one thing something breaks, and there is no explanation for it. I got the impression of cats being under the porch, or floor boards, and asked if there are cats. She said that they found the skeletons of a bunch of cats under the house after they purchased it.

I knew at that time that we were dealing with a phantom, and without going into another rant on what a phantom is, lets just say that it can hurt you or even cause you to hurt yourself. I concluded that the house needed to be cleaned, and began setting up my tools. Immediately a toy that belonged to the child began to spontaneously talk, LOUDLY. Now the fact that the toy talked wasn’t abnormal – as it was a toy that talked when you pulled its string – but the fact that it talked at that time, when no one was near it, was abnormal, and it even stuttered. “Would you count with me, count with me, would you count with me one, two, three, would you count with me…” I finally said sternly “Knock it off!” and it stopped. The family jumped when the toy spoke, and almost comically drew close to me. I calmed them down and assured them that the policemen that were assigned to them would allow nothing to happen to them. That seemed to work, until a stove in the room clicked to life.

I looked at the husband, who looked as pale as a ghost, which prompted me to move over to the stove. I saw what the husband was reacting to. It looked as if the stove had been disconnected, as the wires were actually severed. One fell to the floor as if on cue. The husband said the stove had been disconnected for six months, and there was no WAY that should be happening. At that time something else began to occur. On the chimney, a face began to appear as an impression on the bricks. I recognized the face and asked “Kelly,” my chief, to bring me the drawing that I did during our first meeting with the family. I compared them, and there he was, almost identical to the drawing. We now knew who the culprit was and what had to be done. I took the family to a high energy room, which happened to be the husband’s mini studio, and instructed them to stay there. I had two of my officers with prayers put holy water in strategic places around the home.

And I began the exorcism. All of a sudden the place grew warm, and the stove again clicked as if trying to ignite itself, the toy talked and a very angry presence filled the air. I proceeded. The ceremony that I perform employs white candles, and the key element of this ritual is to not be distracted, no matter what. The air thickened around my hand that was holding the candle, and I saw what looked like a hand trying to bat the candle from my hands. Someone was screaming aimless words at me that really had no form and were meant solely to distract me. I proceeded.

Finally there was a pop, and the thickness in the air went away. The house felt lighter. I called the family out and left them with instructions to follow, which they did, and last I heard they were doing fine. They have since completed the work on the house, the husband, who was ill, has recovered, the wife is back to her bright self, and the child is fine. As I understand it, they sold the house and live somewhere in Portland.

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