State Police Det. Mark Lopez held up the grainy photo of a severed foot that shut down the Kentucky Fried Chicken in Lewiston about 10 years ago.

“Pass this picture around,” he told the University of Maine at Farmington class. “When everybody’s seen it, we’ll play, ‘Who am I?'”

Everyone looked. All but one lone dissenter agreed: Definitely human.

Lopez said a man on a motorcycle had watched a car with Massachusetts plates drop something near the trash can outside the KFC and take off. When he peeked in, he saw a pair of grisly feet and called police.

Officers shut down the area and whisked the feet off for ID.

The verdict: Bear, evident only by the slight difference in bones and sinew sticking out by the ankle.

It happened to be springtime.

“There were ice crystals in the meat,” Lopez said later. “We figured somebody had gone up, opened their camp and cleared out their freezer.”

– Kathryn Skelton

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