Good day, my fellow readers! We all know that school and/or work can be very stressful and demanding, at some points giving us emotional breakdowns. However, one of the most common side-effects of stress is fatigue. While fatigue can immediately put some people into a peaceful state of sleep, others have a more difficult time of taking that fatigue and converting it to sleep. Therefore, with the advice of authors from Rodale Publishing, I give you three suggestions that you may use to tackle that fatigue once and for all and get you that good night’s rest that you deserve!

1. Count backwards by multiples of three. Why does this work? Rather than counting backwards by one, counting backwards in multiples of three, from one hundred, allows the brain to focus and concentrate on accuracy instead of the anxiety that was probing the mind previously. This method is highly useful for constant thinkers with young, energetic minds.

2. Try reading a magazine, newspaper, or novel. Pick some type of journalism or literature that you are interested in and read a few pages in bed. First, just the act of reading exercises the mind and eyes as they travel from side-to-side, line after line, page after page. As a result, the mind breaks free of anxiety and begins to shut down.

Second, by sitting or lying in bed, the mind and body together relax and prepare themselves for bed. In addition, the comfort of the mattress provides a psychological relief from stress to promote better sleep.

3. Flip or replace your mattress. How does this help? Studies have shown that the average mattress doubles in weight every ten years from the collection of dirt, dust, hair, and sweat. Therefore, if you cannot get comfortable, turn over your mattress. However, if you have a spare mattress, replace your regular mattress with the spare for the time being.

Now for the final question; are all three methods going to bring a great night’s sleep for everyone? Unfortunately, I must answer that I cannot guarantee a great night’s sleep from any one of these three methods. However, they certainly will help diminish the stress, anxiety, and headaches from the demanding school or workplace. Therefore, dig out those previous editions of the bi-weekly, Academic Advocate, and start reading them tonight! They just may help you get the good night’s sleep that you desire.

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