For readers looking to purchase the Flat Belly Diet! book from the Editors of Prevention Magazine (Sun Spots, Monday, April 7): Please note that this book will not be available to order or purchase at bookstores until November 2008. If you would like to order the book before then, you may do so through the Web site Sun Spots apologizes for providing readers with incorrect information. Also, Percy’s Burrow is no longer located at the Lewiston Mall. The store has recently moved to the Auburn Mall (near JC Penney) and can be reached at 376-3225.

Dear Sun Spots: I am writing for the Button Lady, my mom. She has made many things with all the buttons she got from your readers. My mom’s one and only enjoyment is to do crafts. Now she has learned how to quilt! She has made lots of quilts and loves to sew. She’s on a budget being disabled and retired. She’s looking for quilting books and patterns. If anyone has any please call her at 782-4767. She would be so appreciative. Thanks so much to all the readers. – No Name, No Town.

Dear Sun Spots: In reference to John from Monmouth (Sun Spots inquiry, March 24) I also put in zippers. I don’t make beautiful gowns (like Paula) or do alterations (like Judy); my service is mending, and I have 40 years of experience. Contact Sarah at 782-1236. Thank you for your column. – Sarah, Lewiston.

Dear Sun Spots: On Friday, Feb. 29, my daughter went to the Auburn Mall with some friends. She had brought her camera along to take some pictures of her friends and herself. Somehow, the camera either fell out of her purse or the car. When she realized it was missing, she went back to the Auburn Mall with her friends and searched everywhere for it, but was never able to find it. It was the Friday night before a 12-inch snowstorm, and we figured if someone hadn’t picked it up, it was now gone. It had been a Christmas gift, so it was nearly brand new.

She was quite upset, but I told her we would put an ad in the Sun Journal lost and found and maybe someone would call. She was doubtful, but I tried to remain positive that there might still be someone out there who had found it. As it turned out, two weeks later, a customer service person from the Auburn Mall saw my ad and called to say a camera had been found and that maybe it was there. We went to the Auburn Mall, and sure enough, there it was!

My daughter was thrilled, and it allowed me the chance to instill faith in my daughter that there still are honest and good people around, even through these tough times. I would like to sincerely thank the person who found and turned in the camera from the Auburn Mall on Feb. 29. May good things come your way, and I will be sure to pay it forward! – Heidi, Buckfield.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Advice section under Opinion on the left-hand corner of your computer screen. In addition, you can e-mail your inquiries to

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