LEWISTON – On Friday, May 9, the Lewiston Public Library will offer a breakfast showing of “Kick Like a Girl,” a documentary film about what happens when an undefeated third-grade girls soccer team leaves its own league to do battle with the boys.

Open to the public free of charge, the screening will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Callahan Hall on the third floor of the library. A discussion will follow.

The 23-minute film focuses on The Mighty Cheetahs, a team of girls in Utah that after two seasons of straight wins, including wins against teams a year older, is moved into the boys division. It is narrated by 8-year-old Lizzie, a self-described soccer girl who doesn’t let juvenile diabetes, elbow blocks or grass stains interfere with her desire to compete.

The film reveals the reality of boy-girl issues and what “kick like a girl” means both on and off the playing field.

Cited for its humor and honesty, “Kick Like a Girl” is a documentary about “hopes, dreams and possibilities,” according to director Jenny Mackenzie, a Ph.D. social worker turned filmmaker who also served as coach for the Cheetahs.

“A story like ‘Kick Like A Girl’ can only open doors for other young people. Title IX has done so much, but we are still fighting battles just to get girls the same opportunities on the playing fields, said Kristine Lilly, captain of the U.S. World Cup Soccer Team. “‘Kick Like a Girl’ shows that when girls are given an opportunity to play, they feel better about themselves and believe they can do anything. Isn’t that what we want for children, to be able to dream and believe they can be anything they want if only given the chance?”

The movie was enthusiastically received by audiences of all ages at its debut at the Santa Barbara Film Festival earlier this year and has been nominated for the Billie (Jean King) Award for the positive portrayal of women and girls in the media.

Co-sponsoring the film’s showing at the library is the Maine Women’s Fund. Members of that organization will be joined by a representative of Hardy Girls Healthy Women in a panel discussion following the screening. The film’s writer and producer, Jennifer Jordan, will also be in attendance to introduce the movie and answer questions.

A continental breakfast of bagels, fruit, juice, coffee and tea will be provided for all in attendance, courtesy of Merrill Lynch, underwriter of the film’s tour to eight different communities in Maine this week.

The library is at 200 Lisbon St. For more information, call 513-3135.

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