Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign is telling workers to not talk about policy, but rather talk about how they came to Obama. What is this “Change we can believe in,” if not based on policy?

In the CNN/YouTube debate Obama said that “without precondition” he would meet the leaders of rogue states. The change? His foreign policy advisor Susan Rice said that Obama never claimed he would have such a meeting.

Obama has said he has not changed on the Iraq War. Yet on March 28, 2003, on CNN, he wanted to give the troops enough support “to be able to win,” and in July 2004, he said that failure in Iraq “would be a disaster.” The change? He said in July 2007 that preventing genocide in Iraq “isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.”

As a state senator in Illinois, Obama voted to require illegal immigrants to get a license. The change? In the November 2007 CNN debate, he said “I am not proposing that that’s what we do.”

There are, of course, many more examples: For NAFTA; against NAFTA. For the gambling industry as a state senator; changes vote on the same legislation when constituents rebuked him.

This is not only change I believe in, but change I have witnessed.

The list goes on, but the implication is clear.

We know what Sen. Obama will change: his opinion, as many times as it takes to be elected.

Brendan O’Brien, Lewiston

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