PORTLAND (AP) -With President-elect Barack Obama poised to take office Jan. 20, candidates already are weighing in to be the next U.S. attorney and U.S. marshal for Maine.

The search for nominees is being coordinated by Rep. Mike Michaud, senior Democrat in Maine’s congressional delegation. Michaud will work with other delegation members and Gov. John Baldacci to find the most qualified applicants and will form advisory panels to review and interview candidates, said Ed Gilman, a spokesman for the 2nd District congressman

As Maine’s top federal law enforcer, the U.S. attorney implements broad government policies in such areas as white-collar crime, drug abuse, sentencing guidelines and domestic terrorism.

The U.S. marshal’s responsibilities include catching federal fugitives, protecting the federal courts, running the witness protection program and transporting federal prisoners. The marshal also oversees Maine’s Violent Crimes Task Force.

Names of candidates for the two posts have begun to surface.

York County District Attorney Mark Lawrence, who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. House this year, is the major declared candidate for U.S. attorney. Those expressing interest for U.S. marshal include Cumberland County Sheriff Mark Dion, Kennebec County Sheriff Randall Liberty and Oxford County Sheriff Wayne Gallant.

Information from: Portland Press Herald, http://www.pressherald.com

AP-ES-12-25-08 1228EST

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