This is in response to Kathryn Williams Palmer’s letter, printed March 19, about domestic violence. Palmer is the executive director of he Abused Women’s Advocacy Project in Auburn.
Contrary to her statement that economics does not affect violence, the National Domestic Violence Hotline released data on Jan. 30 that suggests a link between financial stress and domestic violence. And contrary to her opinion that the abuse is a person’s “choice,” psychologist Steven Stosny, Ph.D., states, “It’s not that batterers want to harm the people they love, and they don’t do it because they’re angry, or because they have bad attitudes toward women. At the bottom, they do it because they have too little compassion.”
Maine’s Attorney General, Steve Rowe, states that we live in one of the safest states in the nation. In fact, in 2006, Maine had the second lowest violent crime rate in the country. Sadly, while many people feel safe on the streets, far too many people, particularly women, do not feel safe, and are not safe, in their homes. The 2006 Maine Crime Victimization Survey found that during the past 12 months, 3 percent of those surveyed said they were experiencing domestic violence. That means that on an annual basis, at least 30,000 adults may be victims of domestic violence in this state.
I believe education, knowledge and correct information can help. There is help, and people need to start finding the right ways to help for all those affected by domestic violence.
Terri Croteau, Lewiston

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