Dear Sun Spots: You always help people with problems – maybe you can help me with mine. Concerning leg cramps during the night, have you heard about a bar of soap in the bed? A special kind of soap? Do you unwrap the soap? Any help would be appreciated. – No Name, No Town.

Answer: Although Sun Spots hasn’t located anyone who can attest to the powers of soap to relieve leg cramps, we have heard that slipping soap between your bed sheets will prevent the cramps. There’s no scientific proof behind the theory. From the testimonials we found online, it seems wrapped or unwrapped soap works and no specific brand was mentioned.

Many people we spoke with offered their personal advice for relieving cramps, including taking a calcium supplement, increasing potassium intake, and taking a quinine pill or drinking tonic water, which has a small amount of quinine in it. Also remember to stay hydrated to prevent cramps.

Interestingly, we did find an online pharmacy that sells Bed Soap, for those with restless leg syndrome, and Leg Soap, for those who suffer from leg cramps. The products are thin, small pieces of soap designed to replace a regular bar of soap, which may be bulky in the bed. You can check them out at Sun Spots would be interested to hear from anyone who has used any type of soap to relieve cramps.

Dear Sun Spots: Thank you for the wonderful service you provide for this community. Once again, our church is holding its annual yard sale on June 25 and 26. This is one of our major fundraisers, and your readers help us make it a successful one. We would greatly appreciate donations of items no longer needed, but useful to someone else. Please call Pat or George at 946-5052 or Heidi at 225-5181 to arrange for pick up or drop off. Thank you! – Universalist Church of Greene.

Dear Sun Spots: Could you give me the address of Ellen? She has a show on channel 8. Also the address of Dale Midkiff. Thank you. No Name, No Town.

Answer: Write to Ellen DeGeneres at The Ellen DeGeneres Show, P.O. Box 7788, Burbank, CA 91522, Attn: Fan Mail.

Dale Midkiff may be reached through his talent agent, who told us they would forward the letter to him. Send mail to Midkiff in care of Amsel, Eisenstadt and Frazier, 5055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 865, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

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