Cheers and jeers from around the news:

• Cheers to George Schott. Is there anything the man won’t buy? On Friday, the Sun Journal reported his investment in trailers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Schott has the trailers sitting at the Auburn Mall for sale (but definitely not for housing). Then, the Forecaster newspaper in Brunswick reported his interest in buying 702 units of housing at Brunswick Naval Air Station.

In business, it is often said, one’s tragedy is another’s opportunity. Schott must see some value in the trailers — a national emblem of FEMA’s feebleness in Hurricane Katrina — and the fortunes of Brunswick when it enters post-BNAS existence. It’s hard to argue with his successes so far.

We’re eager to see what comes from these latest endeavors.

• Cheers to Congress — and our delegation — for securing $4.8 million for offshore windpower development through the University of Maine. The university has a chance to become a prime research and development center for this industry, which only promises to grow.

The state, on the other hand, must do more to promote offshore wind projects to match the efforts of other coastal states. It would be wonderful if Maine’s university system helped develop technologies to break the United States as a whole from its dependence on foreign energy sources.


But it is essential that this work benefits Maine as a whole, too.

• Jeers to Rep. Richard Blanchard of Old Town, accused of trying to use his status as a legislator to avoid being charged with illegal fireworks possession over the Fourth of July weekend. In the hierarchy of crimes, there are many more serious than this. But fireworks are illegal and the law is the law.

That a representative is charged with a minor infraction isn’t an issue. The allegation that he tried to use his position to get out of it, however, is. Note to elected officials: An elected position indicates a higher threshold for behavior, not the privilege to have your behavior judged by a different standard.

Blanchard has said he wants to pay his fine and put this matter to bed. We don’t blame him.

• Jeers to miserable first impressions. The defunct rest stop on the Maine Turnpike outside Lewiston is a terrible introduction to this region. Nothing screams “Drive on past!” louder than that dessicated hulk by the side of the highway. It might as well have a sign saying, “Abandon Hope, Ye Who Come Here.”

These are tight times for all transportation-related agencies, but funding must be found to do something positive with that empty eyesore. Either demolish it or keep it somewhat maintained and clean.

But don’t let it just sit there.

• And finally, cheers for the annual Moxie Festival this weekend in Lisbon. From medicinal nerve tonic to its current place as a (soda) pop icon, Maine’s most famous drink deserves a toast.

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