I’m writing this letter to publicly urge Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe to support a public option component in the upcoming health care reform bill in Washington. According to Families USA, more than 118,000 Mainers lack health care coverage; health insurance premiums in Maine have increased 89 percent since 2000; and last year, 2,853 bankruptcies occurred in Maine, with more than half stemming from health care costs.

What’s wrong with this picture? The solution to our health care problems in the United States can be attributed to one decisive factor, greed. Specifically, the greed of health care administration, insurance companies and trial lawyers to name but a few.

By supporting a public health insurance option senators Snowe and Collins will allow public health insurance to compete fairly and squarely against the private health insurance industry which has put the people of the state of Maine, including small business, in jeopardy.

Rep. Brian Bolduc, Auburn

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