Government at a glance

Board: Turner Selectmen

Met: Tuesday, Jan 19


The issue: Two compactors at the town transfer station were in need of replacement. One has been replaced; the second is still in need of being replaced.

The scoop: Bids from Atlantic Recycling, McGuire Equipment, and Wastequip for a compactor were considered.


Up next: The board awarded the bid to Atlantic Recycling at $18,630.

Energy alternatives

The issue: In the interest of possible energy savings, Town Manager Eva Leavitt looked into alternate energy suppliers for the town. 

The scoop: Leavitt presented information about the town’s energy usage and options available through Glacial Energy and Power Options.

Up next: The town, the board determined, would not benefit from changing suppliers, as their energy consumption is not great enough to exceed the current costs with Central Maine Power.

Boofey Quimby Memorial Center


The issue: Inspection of the BQMC by the Office of the State Fire Marshal showed a few minor updates are needed.

The scoop: The minor exit lighting issue will be addressed; there needs to be a fire door separating the Fire Department and rental hall.

Up next: Cost information is being gathered and updates will be made.

Restoration plan

The issue: Plans for the town hall’s restoration are under way. A number of repairs, large and small have been documented.

The scoop: The board discussed the phases of the plan, noting that the foundation and the roof are the
first two items that require attention. Grant money will be sought.

 Up next: Once funding is secured, the repairs will begin.

Contact reporter Tammy Chamberland via phone at 689-2947 or via E-mail at 

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