Trinity Catholic School P.T.O. Supporting our Great School!

PTO is a community of parents working together for the benefit of school and students. Now in its fourth year, Trinity’s PTO continues to empower our parents to propel the school to unprecedented heights.

Trinity’s PTO has progressed from a melting pot of each of the former schools ideas and desires into a collection of parents who fully support our schools mission to provide a comprehensive educational program with contemporary instructional methods, rooted in traditional Catholic teachings and values.

PTO consists of wonderful committees such as Religion, Holiday Festival, Recycling, Welcoming, Father/Daughter Dance, Field Day and many more. All parents are members of Trinity’s PTO. It is loosely run by committee and is always receptive to the ideas and suggestions of any member. PTO committee position descriptions are available to anyone who is interested and all parents are invited to participate more fully.

Continuous improvement at Trinity has grown into all aspects of our school, including PTO. Planning, growth and inclusion are the keys to the tremendous support that Trinity’s PTO can offer to the school.

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