If the current president and Congress were really concerned about this country, instead of themselves, they would do the following:

• Initiate amendments to the Constitution for a balanced budget requirement; for congressional term limits; for a presidential line-item veto and establish English as the official language of governmental activities.

• Curtail the expansion of the federal deficit, and be unafraid to say, “It would be nice, but we cannot afford it this year.” Not allow “earmarks” (pork). Require that every dollar go through a hearing and budgetary process.

• Begin reducing the size of federal agencies, being very careful of public safety and public health areas, i.e., those essential for law and order, those which make our food and water safe, and those that prevent epidemics of disease.

• Strengthen the nation’s borders. Institute a program of temporary work visas for aliens with no guarantee of citizenship except through the normal channels, and expel those who don’t comply.

• Keep the military and intelligence communities strong. A deterrent to those who wish to harm the U.S. is the realization that retaliation would be devastating, and the nation’s leaders have the will to do it.


• Affirm that foreign terrorists do not have the legal rights of U.S. citizens.

• Give tax incentives to businesses to expand and hire more people.

• Provide appropriate care for veterans.

• Have Congress and the public use the same health and retirement programs.

Thomas F. Shields, Auburn

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