… Marc

Friendly and social, Marc is an inquisitive boy who has many interests and loves to stay active. He enjoys playing sports, building things with Legos and playing video games.

Although friendly, he struggles with peers and younger children. He is intelligent and working at grade level or above. He attends public school part time.

He is currently in a residential facility, due to a trauma in his past and because he has difficulty accepting parental relationships. Marc is doing well with the consistency and structure provided at the facility. He needs a family willing to learn what works well for him and how that can be adapted in a family environment.

 … Jessica

 A young lady with a beautiful smile, Jessica was born in February of 1997. She loves horses and likes Hannah Montana, Barbies and Sponge Bob.


She is getting ready to enter seventh grade and is excited about getting a laptop to use for school. She receives special services in school because she has difficulty focusing and receiving instruction.

When not in school, she enjoys drawing, coloring, playing kick-ball and tic-tac-toe. In the summer, she enjoys swimming.

Jessica engages well with adults she finds nurturing and comforting. She needs a family that has experience with or is willing to get the training to work with people with mild to moderate mental retardation. She functions best with step-by-step instruction and constant supervision. An adoption subsidy may be available.

 Marc and Jessica are two of the 155 children currently in the Maine Department of Health and Human Service’s care who are seeking an adoptive family. 112 of those children have been waiting for permanency for more than a year. Based in Gardiner, A Family for ME is a nonprofit that works in collaboration with Maine DHHS. For more information, contact A Family for ME toll free at 1-877-505-0545 or visit www.AFamilyForMe.org.

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