RUMFORD — Annette Marin helped launch the local farmers’ market a few years ago, then worked to try to bring a food cooperative to the former Dixfield opera house.

Now, she is taking that plan one step further with the establishment of The Healing Connection Cooperative at her No View Farm on South Rumford Road.

“We’ve been working in the background for years. The plan started at the Dixfield opera house. We are working to empower ourselves through mind, body, spirit and using local foods,” she said.

The cooperative is a holistic service that will provide an economic venue for its members, she added. A food cooperative is in the works. More farmers are needed.

So far, the healing cooperative has 10 members from the River Valley area and the northern New Hampshire area. Members get a discount from other members’ products or services.

Besides the locally grown food, members have a variety of skills such as Patty Pepin’s reiki and energy work, and psychic development. Others market healing jewelry, crystals, stones, perfumes and salves. Terry Theriault of Sumner and Aimee Grimmel of Mexico specialize in these items.


Plans are to develop hubs for expanding the cooperative to such areas as Oquossoc and Denmark. But first, the group is trying to raise the funds to pay the incorporation fee.

Marin has been growing food commercially for 11 years, as well as baking breads and other wholesome foods for the public. She sells her goods at her farm on the South Rumford Road, delivers many products, and is currently developing a Web market.

She and other members of the cooperative are also growing a vegetable garden whose produce will be donated to local food pantries.

She and the alternative practitioners are planning classes in cooking, canning, food preparation and alternative healing.

The group holds a gathering each month at the No View Farm. Both members and visitors are invited.

The next one is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 27, and is based around the Summer Solstice.

Among the activities are guided meditations, drumming, psychic games, and a chance to network with others. Each participant is asked to bring a potluck dish. Admission is $5 for nonmembers, $4 for members.

For additional information about the Sunday event, contact Grimmel at 364-2632. To learn more about joining the cooperative, contact Marin at 364-1080.

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