It’s become predictably fashionable, especially in an election year, to blame government for many of our ills. We elect them, then we can’t wait to throw them out. Well, I’ve got something positive to say about government — at the local level.

In Mechanic Falls, Town Manager John Hawley has done a fantastic job steering us through the sorts of budgetary woes that are all too common these days. At town meeting, virtually all of us got the clear impression that sometimes the best people do go into public administration, despite what we occasionally see elsewhere.

What’s more, municipal staff has been taking no wage or benefit increases while agreeing to many furlough days. They did so in order to save everyone’s jobs. Now that’s what I call real solidarity.

So thank you, Mechanic Falls staff, for choosing a selfless and public-spirited attitude.

Also, congratulations to new Town Council member Peter Ford. As far as I know, this is the first time he’s been elected to public office, and he bears watching. Is Augusta next?

Dave Griffiths, Mechanic Falls

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