Henry Fortier started the business as H. Fortier & Sons back in 1921 on Spruce Street. In 1939 he moved to Chestnut Street with one of his sons, Clarence. The other two sons decided on a military career. Current owner Moe Robichaud began working for Clarence in 1975 after hounding Fortier for years to let him work for him. With no heirs to pass the business to, when Clarence retired in 1988, he sold the business to Moe, who changed the name to a more timely title.  

After all, when the business came into business, Henry would have never thought about using a fingerprint scanner to open a lock. Back in those days, in addition to servicing locks, the staples of his repair business were fixing bicycles, rifles, fishing equipment, typewriters, Coleman stoves and photographic equipment. 

Although they no longer take in rifles and bicycles to be fixed, they have a lock on keys and security systems.

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