DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have an 11-year-old granddaughter who plays on three soccer teams. She heads the ball often. I am worried that this might cause brain damage. I think I read that it did. I would appreciate your input on this. — C.G.

ANSWER: This is a question I have dodged answering for years because respected experts have taken opposite views on the safety of heading. For those unfamiliar with soccer, heading is hitting the airborne soccer ball with the head to propel it to a desired location on the field.

Young brains are more vulnerable to injury than are mature brains. I didn’t want to approve of a technique that could harm children, but I didn’t want to be so conservative that I was issuing unfounded alarms.

In this year’s February issue of the journal Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatricians adopted a policy on heading that should calm everyone’s worries. I’ll quote it verbatim:

“The contribution of purposeful ‘heading’ of the soccer ball to both acute and potential long-term concussive effect, such as cognitive dysfunction, seems less controversial today than previously. A critical review of the literature does not support the contention that purposeful heading contacts are likely to lead to either acute or cumulative brain damage.”

Concussions and head injuries occur in soccer, but they are mainly due to one player’s head striking that of another or from heads contacting the ground.


The value of wearing helmets is another issue with its supporters and detractors. At present, an official recommendation for helmet wear has not been issued.

I still believe it is wise to strictly limit or ban heading by players 10 years old and younger. All players ought to be taught the proper way to head, another factor that can reduce even the potential of injury.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: When I run, I make a popping noise that comes from the upper part of my right thigh. There is no pain. It doesn’t happen all the time. I wonder if this is something that needs attention. What do you think it is? — D.L.

ANSWER: I think it’s a band of tough tissue rubbing over a bony projection jutting from the side of the femur, the upper leg bone. That tissue is the iliotibial band, and it runs down the side of the thigh to the lower leg bone. It can make a popping noise when it slips over the greater trochanter, the bony projection I mentioned. If it’s not accompanied by pain, you don’t have to be concerned.

If it does cause pain, then things like a tear of the cartilage that surrounds the cup of the hip joint or a fragment of bone in the joint could be responsible.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I would like your advice on my exercise program. I am 71 and go to the gym four times a week. I do two sets of 15 repetitions for each of the following exercises: compound row, abdominals, leg presses, lower-back exercises, overhead press, pullover, leg extensions, delt-pec fly, and hip adduction and abduction. These are all done on a Nautilus machine, and the weight used ranges from 55 pounds to 180 pounds.


Then I jog for two and a half miles, which takes me 31 minutes. I sometimes feel tired and winded but have been doing this for more than two years.

Am I doing more harm than good?

My wife and twin brother do basically the same program, only my brother jogs 4.25 miles and my wife does 3.25 miles. — D.W.

ANSWER: Your program would be admirable for someone a third your age. Since you and your family have been doing it for so long without ill effects, it must be OK for you.

I would feel better if you mentioned this program to your doctor and got official approval for its safety.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Readers may also order health newsletters from

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