AUBURN — He wanted a red Corvette.

He wanted a red Corvette.

He wanted a red Corvette.

Thinking it was going to make it so.

Sure enough, it worked. Sort of.

Two weeks later someone driving a red Corvette slammed into his garage.


“You have to be careful,” said Sue Jordan. “You may get a new car, but it might end up crashed in your driveway.”

It’s a true and cautionary tale, the difference between freelance manifesting and having someone guide you through the paces.

Jordan has put herself out there as that someone.

A family and consumer science teacher at Edward Little High School, she’s leading a half-dozen new adult education classes this fall that are decidedly less conventional than teaching life skills to teens.

They include: “Manifesting Made Easy.” “Exploring Other Lives.” “Visits From Loved Ones.” “Learn to See Auras.”

The man after the flashy car was a student at the Monroe Institute, a Virginia facility with a mission of “exploration of consciousness” where Jordan has studied. In her next Monroe class, she hopes to learn to light a light bulb with the power of touch.


“I enjoy it, this is my fun,” said Jordan, 52, with long hair barretted back and a kind face. “I like helping people. I enjoy expanding their minds.”

Since she was young, Jordan’s been able to see auras without really trying.

“I didn’t know everybody didn’t until I was married,” she said. Jordan asked her husband, “Do you see the colors, they’re pretty tonight.” and got something of a surprised look back.

She visited doctors, trying to find out what was “wrong,” until she decided to abandon that track. She wasn’t wrong, just different.

“Since I was a little kid, I was very intuitive. My family was very religious. It wasn’t much liked there,” Jordan said. “Maybe I’m a little bit better wired.”

She’d known about Monroe since college — “This was like Hogwarts, nowadays” — and in 2000, as a wife and mom to two boys, she decided to splurge on herself and take a course.


“And then, forget it, I was hooked,” Jordan said.

Her current crop of Auburn Adult Ed. classes, most of which debuted last spring, were inspired by members of her mediation group who asked for more. Most classes last just one night, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., for $25 each, with instructions to wear comfortable clothes and bring a chair or mat. She uses wireless headphones, certain sound waves and guided CDs from Monroe.

(Jordan, who also leads career aspirations classes for freshmen and serves as a senior class mentor advisor, has been a teacher at ELHS since 1995. Her daytime and evening activities never mix.

She doesn’t do readings or anything out of the norm for high school students.)

In her adult ed. lineup:

Learn to See Auras (upcoming: Nov. 15)


Inside 20 minutes, Jordan says she can teach people how to read a baseline aura. Auras can be seen, touched, even felt.

“Some people hear colors. I know that sounds odd,” she said. “Or they smell a lemon and know it’s a yellow aura.”

Colors indicate mood, health and energy.

Manifesting Made Easy (upcoming: Nov. 29)

Class is about the law of attraction and drawing something, material or not, toward you. The key is being as thorough as possible.

“Eat it, live it, do it, add emotion, (think) it all the way through,” she said.


The man after the Corvette erred because he didn’t picture himself behind the wheel, enjoying the new ride, maybe even driving around the countryside.

“(You can also) manifest for a better relationship or to attract a better mate. It could be for better health,” Jordan said. “You can manifest for anything.”

She’s used it for job opportunities.

“Do I do it often enough? No, the plumber doesn’t do their own house.”

Exploring Other Lives (upcoming: Dec. 6)

Through meditation, Jordan asks participants to flash on three different parts of one of their lives, as a child, an adult and at death.


“Most go backward; I’ve only had one or two go forward. I try not to front-load them by saying past or (future),” she said.

Some see their former or future selves displaying a talent they never knew they had, or wounds that explain present-day pain.

“I tell them that I have never been anybody important, maybe a healer in Egypt once and I got killed pretty bad for that,” Jordan said. “Some of the people go partially out of body sometimes, (or have) a profound revelation about themselves, changing jobs.”

Visits from Loved Ones (upcoming: Oct. 25, Dec. 13)

This is the class that goes through the most tissues, according to Jordan.

Contact isn’t guaranteed, nor is who may come through.


“You can’t say, ‘I want Grandma to show up,’” she said. “It might be a spirit guide, it may be a neighbor you barely know who has a message for someone, which is kind of fun. You never know who shows up.”

Her other courses: “Stress Buster,” “Spirit World Exploration” and “Intro to Hemi-Sync and Expanded States of Awareness,” a precursor to a two-day Excursion Workshop that she’s accredited to teach for Monroe.

Three of the classes — Auras, Exploring and Visits — are most popular, “which are the most way-out. People want to make these connections with the other side,” Jordan said. “Sometimes getting that one little (message,) ‘I love you, I’m watching you,’ makes a huge difference.”

Jordan, a New Jersey native who worked in business and marketing before she got into teaching, has a few other ideas for future courses.

“I’d like to try some more for healing, for pain management,” she said. “There’s a really cool one for not aging, kind of a face-lift for yourself and your body.”

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