DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I’m a pretty good basketball player, but I would be a great one if I could jump; I can’t. My coach said I would be on the first string if I improved my jumping. He didn’t say how I could do that. Can you give me any tips? — L.F.

ANSWER: It has to be basketball season. Jumping questions are coming in.

An exercise called plyometrics increases jumping ability. I have to give you some warnings. It can be hard on the knees, so you should be at least 14 before trying it. Don’t overdo it. Two or three times a week is enough time to devote to it. You should have good leg strength. If you lift weights, you ought to be able to squat with a weight 1.5 times your body weight.

The simplest and safest plyometric exercise is jump squats. From the squatting position, with your thighs parallel to the ground, jump as high as you can. Immediately after landing, jump up again, as a high as possible. Start with five consecutive jumps. Take a rest and repeat another five. Slowly increase the number of jumps until you’re able to perform 10 in a row and complete three sets of 10 jumps. I emphasize “slowly” in progressing to that level. And stop this exercise if your knees hurt.

Depth jumping is a more advanced form of plyometrics. You need a sturdy platform that is 12 inches high. Jump onto the platform and land with knees slightly bent. As quickly as you can, jump off the platform as high as possible and land with your knees bent. Execute another jump right after landing. Again, a slow increase in the number of jumps is the goal. The height of the platform also can be slowly increased to 24 inches. When you are completely conditioned, you can do eight to 10 jumps consecutively.

Lawn or sand is the best landing surface. Those who weigh more than 220 pounds must limit the height of the platform to 20 inches. Twice a week plyometrics is enough.


This isn’t an exercise only for basketball players. It’s for football, volleyball, sprinting and the high jump.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My question is, Which is a better workout: the treadmill or the exercise bike?

I exercise for 15 minutes every day on each. I am 73. Is this too much exercise? — T.G.

ANSWER: Both are good exercises. On a treadmill, you support your body weight, so that adds a significant challenge to the exercise and to your calorie burning. On a stationary bike, you’re seated and not supporting body weight. You can increase your calorie burning by pedaling faster. Combining both exercises is ideal. Variation in exercise is a boon. Stick with both.

Is this too much exercise for a 73-year-old? Only your doctor can give you a correct answer. Probably not, but ask.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a 78-year-old male, 150 pounds, 5 feet 7 inches and in excellent health. I have been working out in a gym since the fall of 1984, three or four times a week. My goal is to keep my weight steady, my body flexible and to maintain sufficient muscle tone and strength. I’m doing fine.


Since muscle mass decreases with age, I take a protein bar before going to the gym. How long before exercise should I take that bar in order to get maximum benefit? — L.M.

ANSWER: Many experts on nutrition teach that the best time to eat protein is after exercise. At that time, muscle building is at its peak. It’s the time when protein’s amino acids are at their maximum incorporation into muscle tissue.

By “after” I mean from immediately after to two hours from stopping the exercise. It’s the best time to restore the body’s stored carbohydrate reserves (glycogen), too.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Readers may also order health newsletters from

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