DEAR SUN SPOTS: Could you let us know the year and month that the Medicare Part D late penalty took effect? I was told that it was 1 percent a month times the number of months the person did not enroll. We always look forward to reading Sun Spots. Thanks. — No Name, Lewiston

ANSWER: The penalty was written into the legislation to encourage people to sign up for the program promptly. According to “If you don’t join a Medicare prescription drug plan when you’re first eligible, you must wait until your next enrollment opportunity to join a drug plan, and you may have to pay a higher premium because of a late enrollment penalty.”

This penalty can continue for as long as you have your plan. Figuring out what that penalty will be for you is an individual factor and depends on the plan you choose, various exceptions and other factors too complicated for Sun Spots.

You can get help figuring this out. Sun Spots spoke today to Connie at SeniorsPlus, Area Agency on Aging. They have volunteers who understand all the rules and can help you figure out your best option for a Medicare plan. Call 795-4100 and ask for an appointment for help with Medicare.

For seniors with computers, is quite easy to use, with large type on the screen and simple instructions.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Your column is very helpful. I hope you can answer my question. It concerns a friend and neighbor. He gets his medications through the low cost for the elderly program.


He recently had to replace some appliances. Someone suggested he should cash in an IRA account he had.

I hope I’m wrong, but since one does not pay income tax on an IRA when it is set up that it would be considered new income and should be reported to the Department of Human Services. I would hate to see my friend get into trouble because of this. He has no close family.

I tried to contact DHS myself but was told someone would have to call me back. Since I only have access to phones during break it didn’t work out. Thank you for your help. — No Name, No Town

ANSWER: Sun Spots cannot tackle this question. There are way too many variables. But, again, Connie at SeniorsPlus said they can help. Call 795-4100 and arrange to take your friend for an appointment with a volunteer familiar with these plans. Connie said there is more than one program, so it will take someone with experience in that area to be sure you have the right answer.

You could also talk to DHS. They are there to help, not punish people who need help. But your friend would need to be there, as they would not discuss the personal details of his case with you, unless you have legal authority to do so.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Would you kindly tell me if, where and when there might be free flu shots offered in the near future? I am on Social Security without insurance and that’s the reason I’d like to know.


Also, I’d like to know why the meteorologists don’t say L-A when referring to the towns instead of just omitting one town or another?

Thank you for your help. — No Name, Auburn

ANSWER: Sun Spots does not know of any place for free flu shots, and neither did Connie at SeniorsPlus. But she pointed out that if you have Part B for Medicare, flu shots are free.

If you cannot afford to pay for Part B and your income is low enough, you may qualify for help paying for Part B premiums. Call 795-4100 and ask for an appointment for help with Medicare.

Sun Spots can only speculate as to why the meteorologists don’t use the term L-A. She thinks it’s because it is not commonly used throughout the state. The term is more of a marketing tool than a geographical representation. In the other parts of the state where Sun Spots has lived, no one referred to L-A or Auburn, only Lewiston.

Auburn shouldn’t feel too bad. After all, many of the other twin towns (both sides of a river) get overlooked as well. How often do you hear about Brewer (Bangor)? Or Winslow (Waterville)?

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be e-mailed to

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