Spring is a season for rebirth, and for homeowners, that often means bringing their property back to life. Once the winter weather has subsided, it’s time to head outside and take inventory of the landscape and see how the yard, trees, bushes, and shrubs fared after another long winter.

One of the best and most eco-friendly ways to bring your yard back to life is to plant around the property. Planting can be a soothing and enjoyable way to spend some time outdoors in the spring air, and it’s not as difficult as it may seem. When planting around the home this spring, consider the following pointers.

* Be aware of depth when planting. It’s common for those who aren’t used to gardening to plant too deeply. The idea of planting deeply seems to be correct, as homeowners want to be certain their plants or trees will take root and it seems like common sense that the deeper the plant is planted, the more likely it is to take root. However, planting depth should mirror the depth the plant was grown in at the nursery. When purchasing a plant at the nursery, ask for the planting depth and be sure not to go any deeper than that when planting the plant on your property.

* Stake new trees if necessary. While it’s great to imagine spring as a season of warm sun and extended daylight, in reality, most regions still get some wind and cold throughout spring. This can make planting trees a difficult proposition, as new trees might rock back and forth and struggle to establish new roots. To mitigate any strong winds, stake new trees when planting around the property. Not all new trees need to be staked, but for the ones that do, the stakes will act as a stabilizing force during strong winds, enabling the tree to establish healthy roots for years to come.

* Consider container-grown plants. Novice green-thumbers might find it best to go with container-grown plants. Container-grown plants are easy to plant around the property, and it’s also easy to change the look of the property by simply moving the plants around. Also, as the seasons change, it’s easy to reposition the plants so they’re still getting the sun exposure they need to thrive.

* Get a second opinion. Planting trees around the property can be akin to hanging a painting on the wall. It’s always best to get a second opinion to make sure the painting is straight, and the same goes with planting trees. Before backfilling the hole, ask someone to look at the tree from several angles to ensure that it is straight. Once the tree has been backfilled, it’s awfully difficult to reposition the tree.

* Give the trees or plants their best chance to grow. It’s important to survey the property ahead of planting to be certain the plants will be in the best place to thrive. Call the utility company and ask if there are any buried utility lines you’ll want to avoid. Also, a tree’s roots spread far beyond its branches, so be sure to plant the tree in a location that allows for that root growth without jeopardizing the property (i.e., roots spreading beneath the home’s foundation).

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