RANGELEY — A Rumford man was charged Tuesday night after he threatened to burn a neighbor’s camp, destroy his tractor, and kill police at his camp on Rumford Road, Rangeley police Chief Dennis Leahy said Wednesday.

Timothy Gotto, 51, was arrested on charges of refusing to submit to arrest, terrorizing, disorderly conduct and violating condition of release, Leahy said. Gotto was issued a summons on a charge of drinking in public earlier in the evening, he said.

Police officer Ron Wood received a report just after 8 p.m. of a disturbance at the Four Season Restaurant, Leahy said. The complaint was that an intoxicated person was causing a problem, he said.

The person left before police arrived.

Wood called on Leahy and a U.S. Border Patrol agent to assist him and went to Gotto’s camp.

Initially Gotto wasn’t there but then was located on the deck of a camp next door, Leahy said.


“We went to the camp and convinced him to come back to his own camp,” he said.

Gotto told police he was going to bed and would not cause any more trouble. He was issued a summons on the public drinking charge.

Police left the camp but didn’t go far and stopped on Rumford Road and waited.

“We heard a disturbance,” he said, and were heading back when Wood received a call that Gotto had threatened his neighbor.

Police went back to the camp and after a struggle arrested Gotto.

Gotto threatened both Wood and a Border Patrol agent that he would kill them the next time he saw them, Leahy said.


It isn’t the first time Gotto threatened to kill police.

He threatened he “was going to blow heads off any officers that come into his camp,” in April of 2010 after he was arrested and being led away.

He was charged that time with criminal threatening.

He was most recently arrested by Rumford police on July 6 on charges of criminal threatening and a probation violation.


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