RUMFORD — Rumford Hospital has recognized its 2011 HEROES. HEROES stands for Healthcare Employees Reaching Out with Exceptional Services. HEROES was developed by the Central Maine Medical Family to honor employees who demonstrate the system’s core values of compassion, citizenship, integrity, service, excellence and commitment.

Each year one employee from the physician practices that are departments of Rumford Hospital, one nurse and one non-nursing hospital employee are selected by senior management from nominations submitted by hospital staff members. New to the categories of honorees this year is the provider category. The four HEROES for 2011 were recently announced and honored at an afternoon celebration.

Physician Assistant Joann Broomhall of Rumford was named the provider hero for 2011. She is with River Valley Internal Medicine. Registered nurse Becky Fontaine of Mexico was awarded HEROES status from among practice employees. She is a nurse with Rumford Surgical Associates. Josh Merrill, CNA and emergency technician, represents nursing on the HEROES roster this year. He works in the emergency department and hails from Rumford. Central Registration’s lead patient service technician Lori Roberts is the hospital employee hero for 2011. She lives in Rumford.

HEROES are honored with a plaque located near the first floor elevator doors at Rumford Hospital.

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