Looking through the engagment pictures in past years, I’m amazed at how many parents of the couples are divorced and how many couples are proud of letting us know that they already have children. Some couples even include their children in the pictures. If my children or grandchildren were involved, I wouldn’t be too proud. Today, the kids come first, then marriage. Why bother? And we wonder how come things are the way they are?

— Anonymous

Cell phones have killed human interaction since even in the 1980s. I hear every private conversation you make, wherever you are in public. Use discretion. Refrain from intimate talk. You’ve lost my total respect.

— Barbara Kern, Auburn

Couples: Stop trying to fix us singles up. We tell you time and time again how happy someone can be alone. Worse still, the people trying to “help” are in abusive, one-sided, unhealthy relationships. I’m just fine on my own and resent ambush “set-ups.” I’m not broke. Don’t fix me.

— Anonymous


I see this new voting law as another way the government is seeking to silence the people. Don’t quietly go along with an unjust law.

— Anonymous

How funny how there’s nothing on TV till one evening, then all the good programs come on all at once.

— Anonymous

Stop blaming the dog breed in animal attacks and put the blame solely on the person responsible, the owner. Also, when someone breaks in and a dog attacks, it is not a tragedy, but a small victory over crime!

— Anonymous


Just wanted you guys to know what a great cathartic moment it is to write out a gripe, fold it and send it out. Regardless of it being printed or not, the opportunity to vent is freeing.

— Anonymous

I hate scrimping and saving to get something, just to have it go on some mega sale the next month after I finally manage to get it.

— Anonymous

People who allow their children to kick seats in the movie theater should be forced to pay for the admission price of everyone their child ruins the show for. Movies are too costly to allow spoiled brats to pummel the back of my seat with their feet or hang all over the seat back behind me.

— Anonymous

I recently moved and was glad because I was going to get rid of all the soliciting mail I was receiving. You name it, I was getting it. I had accumulated over 5,400 address labels, which I threw out. I don’t know what contacts they have (besides buying mailing lists) but they found me, and I never contacted any of them after I moved, and yet I still receive them, plus more. Where’s the privacy we had?

— Anonymous

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