PERU — The Planning Board will review results of the wind tower survey and discuss how to proceed at its meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday in the voting room at the town office.

In February, following a lengthy discussion with eight Wind Committee members and the Planning Board, selectmen voted to mail surveys on wind power to taxpayers with the July tax bills.

Because the issue is such a turbulent topic for Maine towns, selectmen sought the opinion of residents before deciding whether to draft a proposed ordinance.

Survey option 1 asked if Peru should regulate commercial wind development by zoning the town to effectively ban such projects.

Option 2 asked if the town should develop an ordinance that’s stricter than existing state regulations by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, but not necessarily ban such development.

The third option asked if Peru should just let Maine DEP regulations govern wind development.

According to the surveys, 77 forms were returned to the town office with Option 1 checked, 54 forms received had Option 2 checked, and 40 forms indicated the third option.

Of the first option, 45 people perceived no benefits from commercial wind development. As for drawbacks indicated, visual looks had 34 checks, and noise, 25.

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