RUMFORD — An informational meeting on thirdhand smoke from tobacco products will be held at noon Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the Community Room downstairs at the Rumford Public Library.

According to the Smoke-Free Housing Coalition of Maine, thirdhand smoke is residual tobacco smoke contamination that remains after a cigarette is extinguished. It lingers on carpets, sofas, clothes and other materials. Children are uniquely susceptible to exposure, the website states.

Sarah Mayberry of the Breathe Easy Coalition will speak about it at the Community Networking Meeting, sponsored by the River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition.

The Breathe Easy Coalition consists of the Smoke-Free Housing Coalition, the Maine Tobacco-Free College Network, and the Maine Tobacco-Free Hospital Network.

Other agenda items include community updates from the RVHCC and other River Valley organizations.

For more information, contact Patty Duguay, RVHCC executive director, at 364-7408.

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