LIVERMORE FALLS — The Jay Livermore Falls Seniors met at Murray Hall on Nov. 7 with 39 members and one guest, Doris Tripp, present.

The meeting was opened with a prayer, salute to the flag and a moment of silence for all the departed members and a moment of silence for the men and women serving in the armed forces here and abroad.

Chairwoman Shirley Couture introduced Walter Tripp and Pay Knowlton, who gave tribute to the members of the Senior Group who have served the country in the past. They are Joseph Slovak, James Williams, Aurelien Couture, Athanase Couture, Al Knowlton, Gene Pomerleau, Francis Therrien, Walter Tripp, George Doiron, Rita Fuller, Virginia Ditata and Percy Ouellette.

Nancy Couture announced that her son, who served one year in Iraq, had returned to the U.S. the previous day.

Mary Lou Legere, Dot Wilson and Marilyn DeSoto are on the sick list. Jeannine Williams was present at the meeting but had an accident in her home the previous week. Dot Wilson is now in rehab at Orchard Park in Farmington and is doing well. The group agreed to send a fruit basket to Marilyn when she returns home. She has served as treasurer for approximately nine years.

On Nov. 14 the group will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with a meal. The club will supply the finger rolls and the members will bring the salads, beans, chips, soda, soup, vegetable platter, etc. Dessert will be apple and pumpkin pies.


Eddie Patterson from New England Financial spoke on Medicare plans A, B, C and D and what each one represents for coverage.

The 50/50 for $10 was won by Lorette Chabot. Door prizes donated by Ellie Mitchell, Carmen Moreau and Marie Gagnon were won by Diane Getz, Joyce Richard and Pat Couture which brought in $16.

On Nov. 18 the group will hold a Chinese auction.

Following the meeting Beano, cards and games were enjoyed. A cake decorated to honor veterans was made by Nancy Couture and it was served with ice cream.

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